District Leadership Programs

District Conventions take place in early March. FFA members and guests from across the respective districts gather to compete in various events, conduct annual business, and elect the district officers!

Chapter Officer Leadership Training (COLT) occurs in each district during the summer. It is lead by district FFA officers, with the assistance of the state FFA officers. COLT is open to all members who have a desire to lead in their local chapter, regardless of their title--members are not required to be an officer to attend!

Greenhand Fire-Up (GFU) is a leadership program created just for first-year high school FFA members! These conferences occur in each district throughout the fall. It is lead by the district FFA officers with the assistance of state FFA officers.


District Conventions

- NC: March 1st @ Charles City
- NE: March 8th @ Waterloo
- NW: March 8th @ TBA
- SC: March 1st @ Murray
- SE: March 1st @ Eldridge
- SW: March 1st @ Jefferson


District Conventions are made possible with support from the Iowa FFA Foundation

Chapter Officer Leadership Training (COLT)

- NC: June 3rd @ Iowa Falls
- NE: June 14th @ Waterloo
- NW: June 4th @ Sioux Center
- SC: June 4th @ Knoxville
- SE: June 10th @Eldridge
- SW: June 4th @ Atlantic
Chapter Officer Leadership Training is made possible with support from Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance of Iowa through the Iowa FFA Foundation

Greenhand Fire Up (GFU)

- NC: Sep. 25 & Oct. 7 @ ICCC/Nashua 
- NE: September 30th @ Waverly
- NW: October 16 @ Spencer
- SC: October 17th @ Ankeny
- SE: October 7th @ Cedar Rapids
- SW: October 9th @ Atlantic


Greenhand Fire-Up is made possible with support from the Iowa FFA Foundation