2024-2025 State Officers

Collin Bauer

Chloe Zittergruen

Kadence Boender

SW Vice President
Brooke Booth

SE Vice President
Cody Messer

NC Vice President
Caleb Lentz

SC Vice President
Tucker Rohrig

NW Vice President
Colton Pepin

NE Vice President
Creed Monroe
Photos Courtesy of Doese Photography
Events that involve state officers throughout the year:
SLCDO (State Leadership Conference for District Officers); COLT (Chapter Officer Leadership Training); Iowa State Fair; Chapter Workshops & Banquets; GFU (Greenhand Fire-Up); National FFA Convention & Expo; Ignite/Amplify/Transform Conferences; Legislative Symposium; LDEs & CDEs; State Leadership Conference
Serving as a state FFA officer is an honor as well as a great responsibility. The year of service as an officer is an unforgettable one. The privilege of serving Iowa FFA members is an incredible, life-shaping opportunity that few get to experience.
Serving as a State FFA Officer
The chance to serve as a state officer comes with many opportunities to influence, impact and serve FFA members, advisors, teachers and supporters of the organization. These opportunities to lead and impact are invaluable and represent what the service to FFA is all about.
State Officer Leadership Continuum
This is a series of leadership programming developed and presented by National FFA for state officers to support their year of service. This series of programming delivered in May, June, and July provides training in life management, presentations, social skills, personal goals and assessment.
Partnership Visits
Meet with agribusiness representatives and government officials - State officers also have the opportunities to meet with people that influence agriculture and education on state, national, and regional levels.
State Officer Summit
This is a week-long leadership conference for state officers from each association held annually in Washington, D.C. In addition to leadership development, participants develop an understanding of partner relationships and the initial phase of the national delegate process.